Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Let There be Freedom of Expression

In human history there have always been certain groups of people who have tried to stop human beings from expressing themselves freely. It is the because of the variety in our societies that there are as many opinions as there are human beings and perhaps even more and it is a positive mark that everyone wants to say something. Why should someone want that he alone should be heard? Why should a person desire that everyone should value his opinions, neglecting others? Nevertheless, it is not probable to impound what the people hear and what they say.

There is a proclivity among the people that they fancy to give last opinion and they always feel like drawing a final decision regarding others and they have a longing that no one should stop them. Although this sort of inclination may be exciting but it has its own disadvantages and this would only be possible if they were deities. Such appetite has in fact brought troubles not only to the ones who have them but to the ones who have been influenced by them. Universal Declaration of Human Rights says, “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” 

Consequently, everyone ought to be given a chance to speak his mind and let his words reach others so that they can listen to them and analyze them; in this way the speaker would not feel that his words were not given the due respect.  A very limited reservoir of knowledge has reached to us and if a major part of it remains untold and is victimized by silence, we would have a major loss – A loss that would be very difficult to compensate for. Here it is important to note that there are certain people, who, when talk, try to create conflicts and differences; however, it should not be forgotten that if such people remain silent, they would create even more divergences.

It is really important that human beings must keep the doors and windows of their inner selves open and let their expressions free like the winds in the deserts and the water flowing in the rivers. Indeed, the ones who speak are the real teachers and while those who are silent basically hide what they have. Therefore, it is necessary that the tradition and culture of speaking must be followed and pursued so as to spread what people know and let the listener judge as per his perceptions.