Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Removing Sanctions against Iran to Consolidate Regional Stability: Rouhani

Removing Sanctions against Iran to  Consolidate Regional  Stability: Rouhani

TEHRAN - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the US-led sanctions have harmed both the eastern and western states and their removal will help strengthen security and stability in the region.

"We have weakened and shaken the bases of sanctions and the conditions will never return to the past, we are serious and determined in the negotiations (with the world powers), but the world should know that the opportunity provided by the Iranian nation is not indefinite," Rouhani said, addressing an economic forum in Tehran on Tuesday.

"An agreement (between Iran and the Group 5+1 - the US, Russia, China, Britain and France pus Germany) will benefit all and the western and eastern countries are telling us that the sanctions have harmed them and the removal of sanctions will benefit all," he added.

"On the other hand such an agreement will strengthen stability in the entire region and God willing, if the two sides enjoy a good will, we can reach a final settlement over this issue," Rouhani underlined.

Also yesterday, President Rouhani reiterated that Iran is working on breaking the sanctions concurrent with progress in the negotiations with the world powers.

"We deem the sanctions as oppressive and inhumane," the Iranian president said, adding, "We have told them (the western countries) that your sanctions are wrong and inhumane as you have boycotted supply of medicine to our patients that will be remembered in the history."

He underlined that Iran has and will never look for weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), and said, "The Islamic Republic of Iran has never been, is not and will not be after the acquisition of WMDs, no matter there is a 5+1 or not, no matter there is a body like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) or not, no matter there is any NPT or not."

Rouhani underlined that the world should know Iran is seriously pursuing negotiations to resolve the problem and it does not want the negotiations just for the sake of negotiation. "The negotiations should lead to an acceptable solution in a logical timespan and we are ready to talk in this regard with logic and reasoning."

President Rouhani reminded that it was Iran itself that invited the IAEA to mount its cameras at Iranian nuclear sites, and added, "The world should accept and feel the existing reality and know that we will by no means withdraw from our rights."

On Saturday, Deputy Foreign Minister Majid Takht Ravanchi voiced satisfaction in the progressive trend of the nuclear talks between Iran and the six major world powers, and described the one-on-one talks with the Sextet members as a productive plan to narrow down differences before the scheduled high-level meeting in September.

 “Iran will definitely hold bilateral talks with the Group5+1 ahead of the scheduled (high-level) meeting between (Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad) Zarif and (EU Foreign Policy Chief) Catherine Ashton on the sidelines of the (annual gathering of the) UN General Assembly,” Takht Ravanchi said. (FNA)