Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Khamenei Underlines Enemies’ Failure in Defeating Iran in N. Talks

Khamenei Underlines  Enemies’ Failure in  Defeating Iran in N. Talks

TEHRAN - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei underscored the enemies' failure in forcing Iran to accept their illegitimate excessive demands during the nuclear talks.

"Iran's nuclear issue is another instance of the enemy's weakness," Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing the political and religious figures participating in the 'International Congress on Takfiri Streams in the Eyes of the Islamic Ulema' in Tehran on Tuesday.

"The US and the hegemonic European countries gathered to bring the Islamic Republic of Iran to its knees, but they failed and they cannot succeed in future either," he added.

His remarks came one day after Iran and the six world powers ended six days of negotiations and decided to meet again in the next 7 months after missing the November 24 deadline to clinch a final deal to resolve their 12-year standoff over Tehran's nuclear program.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and EU coordinator Catherine Ashton announced last night that the talks had been extended until July 10, and the world powers had taken up to release $700 million of Iran's frozen assets on a monthly basis.

The 10th and last round of negotiations between Iran and the six world powers was held in Vienna from November 18 to 24.

In July, Tehran and the six countries agreed to extend negotiations until November 24 after they failed to reach an agreement on a number of key issues.(FNA)