Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Major Sides of Yemeni Conflict to Participate in Geneva Talks

Major Sides of Yemeni Conflict to Participate in Geneva Talks

GENEVA - Yemeni President Abd Rabou Mansour Hadi has decided to send one unified delegation to the Geneva consultations scheduled for the coming Monday, the UN Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed,  announced Sunday.

The Special Envoy welcomed the Yemeni president's decision to send a delegation and encourages its members to participate in good faith and to seek outcomes that would lead to the alleviation of the tragic humanitarian situation in Yemen, and to put the country back on the path to a peaceful and orderly transition.

According to the UN special envoy, the consultations being organized under the auspices of the United Nations bring together related Yemeni political entities together, including the General Peoples' Congress (GPC) and its allies, Ansar Allah and its allies,  JMP and its partners, and the Peaceful Southern Hirak.

"The United Nations takes this opportunity to appeal to Yemen's political actors to participate in these consultations in good faith and without pre-conditions, and in a climate of trust and mutual respect, in order to find ways to revive the political process and to reach a solution that will save Yemen and its people from the current crisis," the Special Envoy stated. (Xinhua)