Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Israel Bans Entry of UN Human Rights Envoy

Israel Bans Entry of UN Human Rights Envoy

JERUSALEM - Israel has prevented the entry of a UN human rights envoy to the its territory, prior to the release of a UN report on Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip last summer, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson confirmed to Xinhua on Monday.

Makarim Wibisono, from Indonesia, is the UN's Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967. It's the second time that he has been denied access to the Palestinian territories under Israeli occupation, after being denied entry last year.

He was barred from reaching the territories of east Jerusalem and the West Bank. Israel occupied the West Bank territories amid the 1967 war and annexed east Jerusalem in 1981.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that the reason behind the move is the biased stance of the Human Rights committee against Israel.

The Human Rights Council is set to release a report in the upcoming days on the conduct of both Israel and Hamas, the militant organization ruling the Gaza Strip enclave since 2007.

This fact-finding mission was appointed in last August by the United Nations, but Israel refused to cooperate with it after years of distrust between the body and the state over what Israeli officials say as bias in its treatment of Israel. (Xinhua)