Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

No one Should be President for Life: Obama

No one Should be President  for Life: Obama

WASHINGTON - President Obama has called on African presidents to respect their constitutions and step down when their terms end. 

Speaking during a keynote address to the African Union, a member organization of 54 African nations, at its headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Mr. Obama urged the AU to use its authority to help make sure African leaders stick to their term limits and follow their constitutions.

“No one should be president for life,” Obama said.

“I just don’t understand” the phenomenon of leaders who refuse to step aside when their terms end. “There’s still so much I want to get done to keep America moving forward. But the law is the law and no one is above it, not even presidents,” Obama said. “And, frankly, I’m looking forward to life after being president. It will mean more time with my family, new ways to serve, and more visits to Africa.”

Refusal to step down from office has led to political strife in many African nations. In November 2014, Burkina Faso’s Blaise Campaore was forced to resign ...(More on P4)...(21)