Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Turkey Set to go for Early Elections in Autumn Amid Violence

Turkey Set to go for Early Elections in Autumn Amid Violence

ANKARA - Turkey's election board has proposed November 1 as the tentative date for snap elections on Thursday as talks for a possible coalition government formally collapsed earlier this week.

The Supreme Election Board (YSK) submitted the offer to the representatives of all four major political parties in the Parliament, signaling that it may finalize the work within two months.

AkifHamzacebi, the lawmaker from the main opposition Republican Peoples' Party (CHP) said whatever the date is, the CHP is ready for snap polls.

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, the interim Prime Minister AhmetDavutoglu floated the possible dates for election as October 25, November 1 and November 8.

The exact date will be determined by the YSK after negotiations with the political parties.

The snap polls came to Turkey's agenda after Davutoglu who is also the chairman of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) failed to form a partnership with an opposition parties to lead the next government.

The AKP lost its parliamentary majority in June parliamentary elections for the first time in 13 years and no other political party secured enough seats to form a single-party government.

The 45-day deadline on the formation of a new government is set to expire on August 23 and the hope for establishing a coalition government has already faded away.

Turkish president RecepTayyipErdogan signaled that he will not extend the deadline. (Xinhua)



EU Welcomes France, UK Cooperation over Migration Crisis

BRUSSELS - Senior European Union (EU) officials on Thursday welcomed British and French authorities' cooperation over migration situation in Calais and highlighted efforts in dealing with migration pressure in Europe.

European Commission's First Vice President FransTimmermans and Migration and Home Affairs Commissioner DimitrisAvramopoulos made the remarks in a joint statement.

It said the very operational measures announced in Calais by French and British ministers "will help speed up the processing of the asylum seekers and ensure the swift return of the irregular migrants."

EU officials announced that they will both visit Calais on 31st of August to discuss next steps.

They said the European Commission is deeply committed to delivering every aspect of the European Agenda on Migration, and to support Member States in dealing with the current migration crisis.

"Managing migration is not just about emergencies, but also about long-term solutions," they said, adding that "We need a permanent emergency relocation mechanism."

Officials said the Commission has proposals ready, calling for the commitments of Member States. (Xinhua)