Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Russia Slams US for Abusing UN Host Role

Russia Slams US for  Abusing UN Host Role

UNITED NATIONS - Russia on Tuesday accused the United States of abusing its role as host of the UN Headquarters in New York, disrespecting the UN leadership and blocking organizations it doesn't favor from attending sessions at the world organization.

"Such action by the U.S. is an abuse of their position as host country of the UN and shows a glaring disrespect towards the secretariat leadership," Russia's Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin told a meeting of the Security Council. "We call for an end to such high-handedness."

The panel of 15 was discussing how it conducts its business.

The U.S. Mission to the United Nations did not immediately reply to Xinhua's requests for comment.

Moscow's envoy was critical of a session chaired by U.S. President Barack Obama on combating violent extremism held Sept. 29 on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly's annual General Debate.

"The (UN) Secretariat is a gracious host, offering its premises at headquarters for events organized by member states on a broad range of issues," he said. "However, we should need to understand that when holding such events all members of the organization, bar none, must respect the rules of the house."

"We think it's unacceptable that at the event organized by the U.S. delegation on Sept. 29, an event on combating violent extremism -- notwithstanding protests by the Secretariat leadership and certain delegations -- they (the United States) invited representatives of the self-declared Kosovo. Kosovo, which is not a UN member," Churkin said.

"Kosovo Albanian representatives cannot be allowed onto UN territory unless they, in certain cases, are accompanied by Secretariat officials," he said, referring to the breakaway province of Serbia which declared its independence in 2008.(Xinhua)