Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Syria Talks Begin in Vienna Under Pall of Paris Attacks

Syria Talks Begin in Vienna  Under Pall of Paris Attacks

VIENNA - Syria as a breeding ground for terrorism moved Saturday to the foreground of a meeting of foreign ministers on the war in that country, with participants linking the shooting and bombing attacks in Paris to Mideast turmoil and the opportunities it gives for terror.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov both condemned the attacks as they began meetings with senior representatives from Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries with strongly conflicting views on how to end the more than four-year war. Key differences include what, if any role Syrian President Bashar Assad should play in any transition government and which groups fighting him should be grouped as terrorists.

Those differences appeared to be put aside at least temporarily as the meeting started.

"These kinds of attacks are the most vile, horrendous, outrageous, unacceptable acts on the planet," said Kerry, after speaking with Lavrov and shortly before the main meeting convened at a luxurious Vienna hotel. "And the one thing we could say to those people is that what they do in this is stiffen our resolve, all of us, to fight back, to hold people accountable, and to stand up for rule of law, which is exactly what we are here to do.

"And if they've done anything, they've encouraged us today to do even harder work to make progress and to help resolve the crises that we face," Kerry said.

Lavrov, standing next to Kerry, said there was "no justification for terrorist acts, and no justification for us not doing much more to defeat ISIS and al-Nusra and the like," adding: "I hope that this meeting as well would allow us to move forward."

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged ministers "to move beyond their differences on Syria" and work on a negotiated end to the war.(AP)