Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

France to Revoke Dual Citizenship in Fighting Terrorism

France to Revoke Dual  Citizenship in Fighting Terrorism

PARIS - As part of a constitutional reform, French government would submit a law aimed at revoking citizenship of all dual nationals, including those who were born in France and convicted on terrorism charges, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls announced on Wednesday.

"The government decided to submit to parliament the extension of revoking nationality of all bi-nationals," Valls said after presenting the draft bill on national protection at a weekly cabinet meeting.

"They (the bi-nationals convicted of terrorism) will be prosecuted and convicted in France. At the end of their sentence, they may be expelled," he added.

Under French law, currently only naturalized citizens can be stripped of their French citizenship.

Valls warned that "(terror) has never been higher," which required acts to bring the security situation under control, in a move to defend the controversial bill and silent growing critics in the Left and Right camps which denounced "a blow for the Republic."

Since 2012, six naturalized people with dual citizenship have been stripped of their French passport, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said at a joint press meeting with concerned ministers.(Xinhua)