Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

British PM Fighting to Fix EU Frustration in 2016

British PM Fighting to Fix  EU Frustration in 2016

LONDON –British Prime Minister David Cameron pledged Friday to fight hard in 2016 to resolve "annoying" features of Britain's relationship with the EU ahead of a planned referendum that could come this year.

Cameron said aspects of being in the European Union were the cause of "so much frustration" in Britain -- but ultimately voters would decide whether the country remains in the bloc.

He is attempting to renegotiate the terms of Britain's membership, ahead of an in-or-out referendum which must happen by the end of 2017.

No date has been set for the vote, though newspapers and political commentators have speculated that it could well come in 2016.

"It's a New Year, and Britain begins it with renewed strength. With a lower deficit and enterprise flourishing, our economy is becoming more secure by the day," Cameron said.

"I am negotiating hard to fix things that most annoy British people about our relationship with the EU," he said in his New Year message.

"It is a difficult negotiation with 27 other countries. But throughout we are driven by one consideration: what is best for Britain's economic and national security.

"In the end, you will decide whether we are stronger and better off with our European neighbours as part of the European Union, or on our own."

Cameron said he thought Britain was in the middle of a "great reforming decade", a "turnaround" period where a revived economy could spur "real social renewal".

"We remain on the long walk to a Greater Britain. We won't get there overnight. But during 2016, we will make some of our most significant strides yet," he said.(AFP)