Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

IS Jihadists Attack Key Libya Oil Facility: Military

IS Jihadists Attack Key Libya  Oil Facility: Military

BENGHAZI  - The Islamic State jihadist group launched attacks near key oil facilities in northern Libya on Monday but were pushed back, an army official said.

The jihadists first carried out a suicide car bomb attack on a military checkpoint at the entrance to the town of Al-Sidra, killing two soldiers, said a colonel in the army loyal to the internationally recognised government.

"We were attacked by a convoy of a dozen vehicles belonging to IS," Bashir Boudhfira said. "They then launched an attack on the town of RasLanouf via the south but did not manage to enter."

IS has been trying to push east from Sirte for several weeks to reach the country's "oil crescent" where its main oil terminals such as Al-Sidra and RasLanouf are based.

A Libyan oil official told AFP that a 420,000-barrel oil tank in RasLanouf caught fire during the clashes.

IS on Twitter announced that its fighters had led an "attack on the Al-Sidra area followed by violent clashes with the enemies of God."

The group said that the attack came after it took control of Ben Jawad town, 150 kilometres (90 miles) east of the central coastal city Sirte, which has been under IS control since June 2015.(AFP)