Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Britain Announces Official EU Referendum Campaign Groups

Britain Announces Official EU Referendum Campaign Groups

LONDON - “Vote Leave” and “Britain Stronger in Europe” were named as official campaigns in the referendum on British membership of the European Union, British Electoral Commission announced Wednesday.
“The Electoral Commission has today designated the two lead campaigners at the EU Referendum - designating ‘The In Campaign Ltd’ to be the lead campaigner for the ‘Remain’ outcome, and ‘Vote Leave Ltd’ for the ‘Leave’ outcome,” the commission said in a statement.
Britain Stronger in Europe is registered as “The In Campaign Ltd” and is referred to as such throughout the assessment matrices and Board documents published by the Commission, it said.
There was one applicant for the “Remain” outcome and three for the “Leave” outcome, it noted.(Xinhua)