Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Merkel’s Turkey Visit Aims to Soothe Tensions on EU Migrant Deal

Merkel’s Turkey Visit Aims to Soothe Tensions on EU Migrant Deal

ANKARA/BERLIN - German Chancellor Angela Merkel will use a visit to Turkey this weekend to try to soothe tensions over a deal meant to stem the flow of migrants to Europe, as questions about its effectiveness and long-term viability mount.
The pact, which came into force almost three weeks ago, aims to help end the chaotic arrival of migrants and refugees on the Greek islands, many fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa. More than a million reached Europe last year.
The deal initially slowed the numbers of new arrivals to Greece sharply, but boats have been coming again with around 150 people a day after a hiatus, indicating the "hermetic sealing" of the route appears to be over, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Friday.
Merkel will pay a one-day visit with European Council President Donald Tusk to Gaziantep near the Syrian border on Saturday, where the two leaders are expected to go to a refugee camp for Syrians and meet Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.
There is much at stake for both sides. Merkel lobbied skeptical European partners to back the deal, under which Turkey agreed to take back migrants who cross the Aegean Sea illegally, and is under political pressure at home to show progress.
Davutoglu sold the deal to the Turkish public partly on the basis that Turks would win quicker visa-free travel to Europe in return, a pledge that now could go unfulfilled, at least by the June deadline he had wanted.(Reuters)