Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Kerry Urges Parties to Syrian Conflict to End Violence, Restore Ceasefire

Kerry Urges Parties to Syrian Conflict to End Violence, Restore Ceasefire

GENEVA - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday urged all parties to the Syrian conflict to end violence and restore the cessation of hostilities during his second day trip here for talks focusing on the Syrian situation.
"We're getting closer to a place of understanding. But we have some work to do, and that's why we're here," he told reporters after meeting with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir Monday morning in a Geneva hotel.
While answering questions, Kerry said that there were a lot of conversations taking place Sunday on how to separate al-Nusra from the opposition fighters and stop the fighting in Aleppo, adding that progresses had been made in this regard.
Speaking after meeting with the U.N. envoy to Syria, Staffan de Mistura, Kerry said that both the U.S. and Russia have agreed that there will be additional personnel stationed in Geneva around the clock to make sure there is more accountability and a better ability to enforce the cessation of hostilities on a day-to-day basis.
He added that both the Syrian government and the opposition have "contributed to this chaos".
"In the last weeks the cessation of hostilities has been put to test, and frayed in certain areas, and fallen completely in a few areas," he explained in a press stakeout outside a hotel in Geneva.

"We are working over the next hours to try and restore the cessation of hostilities and at the same time raise the level of accountability that will accompany the day to day process of implementing the ceasefire," he added.(Xinhua)