Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Russia-U.S. Truce Monitoring Center for Syria to be Set Up in Geneva: Russian FM

Russia-U.S. Truce Monitoring Center for Syria to be Set Up in Geneva: Russian FM

MOSCOW - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday a joint Russian-U.S. center to monitor the ceasefire in Syria will be launched in the next few days in Geneva, Switzerland.
After meeting here with the visiting United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura, Lavrov said at a press conference that Russia maintains daily contacts with the U.S. side on Syrian issues.
"The military of the two countries are literally in daily contact mode, and this interaction, which is now being carried out via videoconferencing, acquires direct nature with the creation in the next few days in Geneva of a joint Russian-U.S. center for a rapid response to ceasefire violations," Lavrov said.
The minister also said that an agreement was expected to be hammered out soon by Russia and the United States on a ceasefire in Aleppo, a major city in northern Syria.
"I hope that the decision will be announced soon, maybe even in the next few hours," Lavrov said, noting that the two countries are making joint efforts to ensure a "broadened and consolidated" truce regime in Syria.
On the Geneva Intra-Syrian talks, Lavrov urged the United States to use its influence over opposition forces, put an end to the use of ultimatums as well as prevent the "brute-force scenario."
The minister in particular criticized the opposition High Negotiations Committee, which withdrew from the meeting held from April 13 to 27, for being "non-constructive."(Xinhua)