Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

G20 Summit Offers Opportunity to Reinvigorate Global Economy: EU Leaders

G20 Summit Offers Opportunity to Reinvigorate Global Economy: EU Leaders

HANGZHOU - The ongoing Group of 20 (G20) summit hosted by China presents an opportunity to boost international cooperation and promote global economic growth, European Union (EU) leaders said Sunday.
"There could not be a more dynamic place than Hangzhou in China to inspire our discussion on how to reinforce global cooperation," said European Council President Donald Tusk at a joint press conference with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.
The EU welcomes China's presidency of the G20 this year and is looking forward to having a successful summit in Hangzhou, he added.
Juncker, for his part, congratulated China for doing "an excellent job" in hosting the 11th G20 summit, saying that it is an opportunity to restore confidence and promote the world economy.
The EU leaders also dwelled upon the climate change issue, noting that G20 members have an important role to play in tackling the global challenge.
"With major emitters around the table, we need to make sure that it is our common priority to implement the Paris Agreement early and in a robust manner," Tusk said, referring to the landmark deal reached in the French capital in December 2015. (Xinhua)