Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Poll, Experts Suggest Clinton Winner of 1st US Presidential Debate

Poll, Experts Suggest Clinton Winner of 1st US Presidential Debate

HEMPSTEAD, the United States - A new CNN/ORC poll and experts at Hofstra University said Hillary Clinton was the winner of Monday night's presidential debate as the Democratic nominee faced off with Republican Donald Trump for the very first time in the 2016 election cycle.
The new poll showed a landslide victory for Clinton, with 62 percent of Americans that watched the debate saying Clinton won compared to 27 percent who said Trump won.
The pollster acknowledged that debate watchers normally skew Democratic, which may make for a more Clinton-friendly sample than the sample in a normal poll.
"But that is an overwhelming victory among these debate watchers we polled for Hillary Clinton," said David Chalian, political director of CNN.
Experts in the field of political science and rhetoric at Hofstra University also expressed similar views, arguing that Trump spent too much time explaining his decision for not releasing his tax returns, while failing to attack Clinton more aggressively on her mishandling of her private email servers and corruption allegations against the Clinton Foundation.
"Donald Trump did not quite change his communication style, which to many people may be disappointing," said Jingsi Wu, assistant professor of journalism, media studies and public relations at Hofstra.
"I thought Trump pretty clearly lost the debate," said Richard Himelfarb, associate professor of political science at Hofstra, noting that a lot of times Trump had been on his defense.
"I don't think Trump really hit her hard enough on the emails, he talked about it for a minute and then went away," Himelfarb said. (Xinhua)