Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

UN Chief Calls for Full Global Disarmament

UN Chief Calls for Full Global Disarmament

UNIETD NATIONS - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday called for a full global disarmament as the world faces growing nuclear dangers and tensions, but progress in multilateral nuclear disarmament has come to a "standstill."
"Let us pledge to work for the total elimination of nuclear weapons with urgency and a sense of collective purpose. Our very survival depends upon it," Ban said in his message to mark the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, which is observed annually on Sept. 26.
Noting that nuclear disarmament is one of the founding principles of the world body, he said that it was also the objective of the first UN General Assembly resolution.
"Disarmament is in our DNA," the secretary-general said, adding that he has been proud to advance the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons, such as by launching, in 2008, a Five Point Proposal on Nuclear Disarmament to spur member states to greater action.
"Sadly, many countries continue to include nuclear deterrence in their security doctrines. But recent developments have shown that nuclear weapons do not ensure peace and security. Rather, their development and possession has become a major source of international tension," the UN chief said.
"As we scan the global horizon, we face growing nuclear dangers.  Progress in multilateral nuclear disarmament has come to a standstill," he added. (Xinhua)