Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

British PM May Tells Brexit Opponents Britain Leaving EU Unstoppable

British PM May Tells Brexit Opponents Britain Leaving EU Unstoppable

LONDON - British Prime Minister Theresa May opened the Conservative Conference in Birmingham Sunday by telling MPs and opponents of Brexit that they will not stand in the way of Britain leaving the European Union (EU).
Urging people to "ignore the pessimists", May outlined her vision for an independent Britain free from Brussels control.
In a message directed mainly at the Scottish Nationalists, May said: "We voted in referendum as one United Kingdom and we will negotiate our exit as one united kingdom, and we will leave as one united kingdom."
"There is no opt-out from Brexit and I will never allow divisive nationalists to undermine the pressure union between the four nations of our united kingdom," said May.
She described politicians who want MPs to vote on Brexit in parliament as "insulting the intelligence of the British people", adding "they're not standing up for democracy, they're trying to subvert it."
"Even now some politicians, democratically elected politicians,  say the referendum isn't valid. That we need to have a second vote. Others didn't like the result and say they will challenge the decision through the courts," said May, shaking her head as she added: "Come on, the referendum result was clear."
"Parliament put the decision to leave or remain inside the EU in the hands of the people. It is not up to the government to question, quibble or backslide on what we've been instructed to do,  but to get on with the job," said the prime minister. (Xinhua)