Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Chinese Envoy Calls for Stronger Int’l Response to Foreign Terrorist Fighters

Chinese Envoy Calls for Stronger Int’l Response to Foreign Terrorist Fighters

UNITED NATIONS - A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called for a stronger response from the international community to counter the cross-border movement of foreign terrorist fighters.
Wu Haitao, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN, made the appeal here at a meeting on counter-terrorism, noting that the frequent cross-border flow of foreign terrorist fighters has caused ever greater harm to international security and stability.
Foreign terrorist fighters are individuals who travel to a state other than their states of residence or nationality for the purpose of participating in terrorist acts.
Wu said countries should strengthen border control and law enforcement cooperation to stem the cross-border flow of foreign terrorist fighters, especially their "back flow."
"The UN and the relevant international agencies should set up counter-terrorism data bases as soon as possible and share intelligence so as to create conditions for effectively curbing the cross-border movement of foreign terrorist fighters," he added.
On combating cyber terrorism, Wu noted that the international community should jointly take measures to crack down on the use of Internet by terrorist organization for disseminating violent extremist ideologies as well as planning acts of terror.
He also said the international community should strengthen cooperation in regulating financial and other fields and suppress attempts by terrorist organizations to acquire financing through smuggling oil, cultural relics or drugs. (Xinhua)