Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Yemen’s Former President Calls for Revenge Attacks on Saudi Arabia

Yemen’s Former President Calls for Revenge Attacks on Saudi Arabia

ADEN - Yemen's former President Ali Abdullah Saleh called on his followers and armed forces to carry out more retaliatory armed attacks against Saudi Arabia on Sunday.
Saleh, who is the powerful ally of the Shiite Houthi group, appeared in a televised speech just one day after allegedly  Saudi-led airstrikes targeted Qaah al-Kubra, one of Sanaa's biggest event halls, as it was hosting a funeral ceremony.
The former president urged his military and security forces to head for border areas with Saudi Arabia to revenge for Saturday's attack.
"All of our sons and fighters must head immediately to take revenge by escalating armed attacks in the borders with Saudi Arabia," Saleh said in his speech.
"Commanders of our military forces have to work hard to raise the fighting readiness to take revenge for Yemenis killed by Saudi warplanes inside camps, public markets and hospitals," Saleh said.
According to medical sources, the attack left more than 160 people killed, including military leaders and government officials allied with Houthis and Saleh.

Hundreds of others, mostly civilians, were injured and many bodies were completely burned and turned into ashes, witnesses near the scene said. (Xinhua)