Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Syria Stresses Resolve to Dislodge Rebels from Aleppo Soon

Syria Stresses Resolve to Dislodge Rebels from Aleppo Soon

DAMASCUS - A security source in the joint military room of the Syrian army and its allies stressed Friday the Syrian administration's resolve to dislodge rebels from the northern city of Aleppo as soon as possible.
"Our decision is not to accept the status quo of the civilians who have become hostages in the hands of the rebels in the besieged part of Aleppo, and we have an operation that will be commensurate with the threats and will dislodge the terrorists from Aleppo as soon as possible," the security source said in a statement sent to Xinhua.
The statement also mentioned a security meeting being held in Turkey with the participation of representatives from Saudi Arabia, United States, Turkey and the rebels' Jaish al-Fateh.
It said that the foreign powers told Jaish al-Fateh, backed by the West but deemed as a terrorist group by the Syrian government, not to leave the rebel-held part in eastern Aleppo.
The powers also asked Jaish al-Fateh, or the Army of Conquest, to lead a new offensive in Aleppo.
"The meeting proves again that the countries that pretend they have concerns for the civilians are partners in killings and destructions in Aleppo and their pretense of concern about civilian lives is nothing but lies," the security source said.
It urged the UN special envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, to say "a word of truth" to "those conspirators."
"They have repeatedly tried and failed; they have achieved nothing but more killing and destruction," the statement said.
The statement came as clashes were raging in Aleppo city, with the Syrian army making notable gains over the past 24 hours.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor group said the Syrian forces had captured over 60 percent of Masaken Hanano, the largest rebel-held district in the rebel-held part in eastern Aleppo.
A military source, meanwhile, told Xinhua that military reinforcements also reached Aleppo on Friday.(Xinhua)