Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

EU Gets Tough: Bloc Tells UK Brexit is Lose-Lose Situation

EU Gets Tough: Bloc Tells UK Brexit is Lose-Lose Situation

LONDON - Since Britain voted to leave the European Union, U.K. officials have had one message: Brexit means Brexit.
Now they have EU leaders' reply: And it's going to hurt.
The prime minister of Malta, whose country is about to assume the EU presidency, is the latest leader to dash Britain's hopes of an easy divorce, signaling that the 27 other nations will drive a hard bargain.
Joseph Muscat told the BBC that "there will not be a situation when the U.K. has a better deal than it has today."
"In the U.K. it's fair game to bash Brussels and then you don't need to be surprised that in Brussels they bash you back," Muscat said in an interview broadcast Friday. "So this is a bit of Catch-22. It won't be a case whether one side gains and the other side loses. We are all going to lose something."
Malta, a former British colony, is usually one of the U.K.'s strongest supporters in Europe. The island nation is due to hold the EU's rotating presidency for six months from Jan. 1 — a period that could coincide with the start of U.K. exit negotiations.
British Prime Minister Theresa May says she will trigger Article 50 of the EU's key treaty, beginning two years of exit talks, by March 31. She and her ministers have refused to set out in advance the type of deal Britain will seek, saying that would undermine their bargaining position.

In the meantime, EU leaders have grown increasingly firm in their insistence that Britain won't get an easy ride, and frustrated with Britain's vagueness about its Brexit plans. (AP)