Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

No Serious Opposition to Trump’s Cabinet Picks on Day One of Hearings

No Serious Opposition to Trump’s Cabinet Picks on Day One of Hearings

WASHINGTON - The U.S. congress on Tuesday held a hearing to examine the nominations of Jeff Sessions to be attorney general and John Kelly to be secretary of homeland security.
Despite the hearing for Sessions' nomination will proceed Wednesday, people at the hearings say both men are likely to clinch their respective cabinet posts.
The hearing for Sessions, a senator representing Alabama, ran for more than 10 hours during which Sessions was questioned on a wide array of issues from his controversial past to future positions on a host of hot legal debates.
Sessions said his priorities as the attorney general will be improving relations between police and the communities they serve, especially in minority neighborhoods.
He also listed cracking down on terror, stopping the inflow of drugs from the southern border, protecting the U.S. treasury from fraud, waste and abuse as important tasks.
Sessions, a conservative, spoke in favor the gun rights, saying "I do believe the Second Amendment is a personal right, a historical right that the Constitution protects."
He also avoided promising anything concrete on global warming. (Xinhua)