Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Turkey, Germany Vow Further Cooperation Against Terror

Turkey, Germany Vow Further  Cooperation Against Terror

ANKARA - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Thursday vowed further cooperation in the fight against terrorism during Merkel's visit to Ankara, local daily Hurriyet reported.
"International terrorism is not an issue that any single country can manage alone. There should be international cooperation," Erdogan said at a joint press conference with Merkel in Ankara.
"As two NATO allies, I believe our cooperation with Germany, which is also part of the (anti-IS) coalition forces, should continue just as we performed for Ukraine," he stressed.
Both Merkel and Erdogan emphasized the need for cooperation against terror groups that have been posing a threat to both national and international order for Germany and Turkey, in particular the need for a political solution to the Syrian crisis.
Merkel stated that the two countries should more closely cooperate in the fight against "every kind" of terrorism.
Erdogan slammed use of the term "Islamist terror," saying it "severely upsets Muslims. Such a term cannot be used; this is not true."
Meanwhile, Erdogan said the referendum would be held in mid-April, and denied opposition parties' claims a presidential system would violate Turkey's current separation of powers.
Merkel said that everything should be done to ensure the separation of powers and the diversity of society.
German Chancellor also said Turkey had put efforts for the integration of refugees, adding "refugees are an important issue for both Turkey and Germany." (Xinhua)