Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Syria Peace Talks Yield Progress as Negotiations End: UN Envoy

Syria Peace Talks Yield Progress as Negotiations End: UN Envoy

GENEVA - The UN Special Envoy for Syria said Friday that progress has been made in the latest round of Syria peace talks, with warring delegations set to reconvene in the Swiss city later this month.
According to Staffan de Mistura, who has mediated proximity talks between delegations since Feb. 23, while no breakthrough has been achieved, negotiations have yielded some tangible progress on the agenda to be adopted for future rounds of talks.
This includes addressing what he labelled the "four baskets", which relate to governance elections, constitution as well as counter-terrorism issues.
He also said that more substantive meetings had taken place regarding the main sticking points which continue to divide opposing delegations.
The UN diplomat also said that he is planning to resume the next round of UN-brokered negotiations later this month.
The latest round of Syria peace talks kicked off on Feb. 23, 10 months later since warring parties in the country convened in Geneva last time, which saw talks being put on hold amid a humanitarian meltdown and systemic violence in the Middle East country. (Xinhua)