Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Russia Seeks Good Partnership with US: Putin

Russia Seeks Good  Partnership with US: Putin

ARKHANGELSK, Russia - Russia hopes to build good relations with the United States, and attempts to damage bilateral diplomatic relations are a mistake, Russian President Vladimir Putin said here Thursday.
"We perceive and treat the United States as a great power, with which we want to establish very good, partnership relations. Everything else is lies and fabrications about and provocations towards Russia." Putin said in response to a questions on Russian-U.S. ties at the 4th International Arctic Forum (IAF) which is to close on Thursday. 
Putin called attempts to drive a wedge in diplomatic relations between Moscow and Washington "a mistake" .
"Do we want to completely break up the diplomatic relations? And then what? People who behave like this are irresponsible... I think this is a big mistake. I very much hope that someday the situation will return to normal," Putin said.
Speaking about cooperation on international and regional affairs, Putin said the two countries are progressing in working together on the Syrian issue, and hopefully, things will also work out on resolving other regional problems including the conflict in Ukraine.
"We very much count on the fact that our U.S. partners and colleagues will embark on this path of cooperation. And I repeat again, the sooner we solve all these problems, the better." Putin said.
The Russian leader also extended welcome to U.S. companies to develop their business in the country.
Russia is ready to receive in Moscow the representatives of the (U.S.) Congress and the Senate. "And of course, we are always glad to see our friends from the business circle. We have a lot of friends from business in the United States who work and are willing to continue working in Russia. Welcome, and we will help them." Putin said. (Xinhua)