Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Russia Responsible ‘By Proxy’ for Suspected Syrian Chemical Attack: UK Minister

Russia Responsible ‘By Proxy’ for Suspected Syrian Chemical Attack: UK Minister

LONDON - British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon on Sunday accused Russia of being responsible "by proxy" for the death of 87 civilians killed last week in a suspected chemical weapons attack.
"Assad's principal backer is Russia. By proxy Russia is responsible for every civilian death last week," Fallon wrote in an opinion column published in The Sunday Times.
"If Russia wants to be absolved of responsibility for future attacks, Vladimir Putin needs to enforce commitments, to dismantle Assad’s chemical weapons arsenal for good, and to get fully engaged with the UN peacekeeping progress," he added.
Fallon reiterated Britain's position that Assad should quit.
"Someone who uses barrel bombs and chemicals to kill his own people simply cannot be the future leader of Syria," he wrote.
Assad's future role is a key sticking point -- the rebels and their international backers demand that he must step down.
But Assad refuses to budge. His key ally in Moscow has backed him to the hilt against the rebels. (AFP)