Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

N. Korea Behavior ‘Can’t Continue’: McMaster

N. Korea Behavior ‘Can’t  Continue’: McMaster

WASHINGTON - An international consensus that includes China has now emerged that North Korea's "threatening behavior" cannot go on, the US national security adviser said Sunday.
Speaking after North Korea's latest -- and apparently failed -- missile test, H.R. McMaster said, "I think there's an international consensus now, including -- including the Chinese and the Chinese leadership -- that this is a situation that just can't continue."
Speaking from Afghanistan on ABC, he made a point of stating several times that China -- North Korea's key ally -- is now concerned about the reclusive communist state's behavior.
McMaster said President Donald Trump has made clear he will not allow the nuclear-armed Pyongyang regime to put the US and its regional allies under threat.
The consensus including China is "that this problem is coming to a head. And so it’s time for us to undertake all actions we can, short of a military option, to try to resolve this peacefully," McMaster said.
Trump turned to Twitter over the weekend to underscore the key importance of cooperation with China on the Korean problem. (AFP)