Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

UK Labour Leader Corbyn: I Won’t Quit if I Lose Election

UK Labour Leader Corbyn:  I Won’t Quit if I Lose Election

MANCHESTER, England - Jeremy Corbyn vowed to carry on leading Britain's opposition Labour Party if he loses a national election on June 8, defying polls showing he is on course for defeat and concerns from within his party that his leadership threatens its future.
Corbyn, who officially launched his party's election campaign on Tuesday, told BuzzFeed News he would carry on whatever the outcome.
"I was elected leader of this party and I'll stay leader of this party," he said.
Corbyn has pledged higher taxes on the wealthy and a crackdown on powerful corporations since he took control of the center-left Labour Party in 2015 thanks to a surprise surge in support amongst grass roots member for his socialist agenda.
But he has struggled to unite Labour's elected ranks behind his political vision or convince the wider public of his leadership credentials, diminishing the party's ability to exert pressure on issues like Britain's exit from the European Union.
Some recent opinion polls have put Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservatives ahead of Labour by more than 20 percentage points and on course for a landslide victory.

May says an election win will strengthen her hand in Brexit negotiations, but opponents of her negotiating strategy fear it will drown out Labour's voice in the debate over what kind of deal Britain should seek from Brussels. (Reuters)