Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Iran and IS are Major “Threats” to Middle East: Trump

Iran and IS are Major “Threats”  to Middle East: Trump

JERUSALEM - Speaking in an address to the press in Jerusalem on Monday, U.S. President Donald Trump said Iran is a "threat" to the region and must stop training "terror group."
In statements following a working meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, Trump noted Iran and the Islamic State (IS) as the major threats to the Middle East.
He called on to strengthen the longtime partnership between Israel and the United States to struggle Iran and the IS.
"This moment in history calls for us to strengthen our cooperation as both Israel and America face threats like IS and other terror groups and countries like Iran, which sponsors terror and foments violence not only here but all over the world," he said.
He staged a firm stance, saying the U.S. and Israel should unanimously declare that "Iran can never be allowed to possess a nuclear weapon, not ever, ever, and must cease its training and funding of terror groups and militias, and must cease immediately."
Shiite armed groups, reportedly backed by Iran, are fighting along President Bashar Assad's army against rebels Syria.

Trump, who arrived in Israel after visiting Saudi Arabia over the weekend, said that the stand against Iran is a common interest of Israel and major parts of the Arab world. "(This is) deep consensus in the world, including the Muslim world." (Xinhua)