Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

EU Repeal Bill Best Way to Avoid Brexit ‘Cliff Edge’” May

EU Repeal Bill Best Way to Avoid Brexit ‘Cliff Edge’” May

LONDON – British Prime Minister Theresa May warned lawmakers that Britain could be faced with a Brexit "cliff edge" if they failed to back her EU repeal bill, as reports suggested momentum was growing within her party to unseat her.
With British lawmakers readying for their first full parliamentary debate on the legislation that will sever the country's ties with the European Union, the minister responsible for overseeing the divorce proceedings admitted on Sunday that some payments would continue to Brussels after Britain left.
May failed to win a clear mandate at a snap election in June and only has a slim majority in parliament that rests on an agreement with a smaller party. She remains vulnerable if pro-European lawmakers in her Conservative party team up with other parties to vote down legislation or support amendments.
In Thursday's debate, the main opposition Labour Party is planning to propose several changes to the repeal bill with a view to keeping Britain in the single market and customs union during a Brexit transition period after 2019, according to The Times.
On Saturday, May's deputy advised Conservative lawmakers against doing anything that would increase Labour's chances of returning to power, while May said the bill was the best way to ensure a successful Brexit. (Reuters)