Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Russia, Turkey, Iran to Send 1,500 Military Police to De-Escalation Zone in Idlibe

Russia, Turkey, Iran to Send 1,500 Military Police to De-Escalation Zone in Idlibe

ASTANA - Russia, Turkey and Iran which held the latest round of peace talks on Syria on Thursday and Friday have agreed to each contribute 500 military police to be deployed in the de-escalation zone in Syria's Idlibe province.
The observers will be deployed to the most vulnerable places, to work on the demarcation line and the line of contact to preserve stability and prevent provocations, Alexander Lavrentyev, Russian President Vladimir Putin's special representative on Syria, said here Friday.
"Sometimes it happens that someone somewhere heard an occasional shot and answered in reply. Sometimes, such small provocations lead to significant and sad consequences," he explained.
Russia, Turkey and Iran announced Friday the creation of de-escalation zones in Syria under a memorandum dated May 4. The representatives of these countries emphasize that the creation of de-escalation zones and safety bands is a temporary measure, whose duration will initially be six months with an automatic extension on the basis of a consensus of guarantor states.

It was the six round of peace talks on Syria in Astana, brokered by Russia, Turkey and Iran. The Astana process, which started on Jan. 24,  brings together the Syrian government and representatives of the opposition, including some key armed groups who were previously not allowed to participate in other negotiations. (Xinhua)