Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Trump Warns ‘Rogue Regime’ North Korea of Grave Danger

Trump Warns ‘Rogue Regime’ North Korea of Grave Danger

BEIJING - U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in China on Wednesday seeking help to rein in North Korea, telling the reclusive state's leader he was putting his country in grave danger by developing nuclear weapons.
Trump used some of his toughest language yet against North Korea in a wide-ranging address in Seoul that lodged specific accusations of chilling human rights abuses. He called on countries around the world to isolate Pyongyang by denying it "any form of support, supply or acceptance."
"Do not underestimate us and do not try us," Trump told North Korea as he wrapped up a visit to South Korea with a speech to the National Assembly before heading to Beijing, where he was making his first official visit.
Trump painted a dystopian picture of the reclusive North, saying people were suffering in "gulags" and some bribed government officials to work as "slaves" overseas rather than live under the government at home. He offered no evidence to support those accusations.
Trump's return to harsh, uncompromising language came a day after he appeared to dial back the bellicose rhetoric that had fueled fears across east Asia of the risk of military conflict. On Tuesday, Trump had even offered a diplomatic opening to Pyongyang to "make a deal." (Reuters)