Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

No Figure on Cost of Brexit Offered to Unlock Talks: British Minister

No Figure on Cost of Brexit Offered to Unlock Talks: British Minister

LONDON - Britain will not offer a figure or a formula for how much it believes it owes the European Union, Brexit minister David Davis said on Sunday, after the EU demanded that London spell out its approach to the final bill to unblock talks.
With no movement in the negotiations to unravel more than 40 years of union, Britain may miss a December deadline to move the talks to a discussion of future trade ties, which businesses say is vital for them to make investment decisions.
Both sides are frustrated by the lack of progress, and last week, the EU negotiator, Michel Barnier, said Britain had two weeks to spell out how far it would “honor its obligations” to break the deadlock.
But Davis told Sky News the EU had agreed Britain would not need to offer “a number or a formula” for the financial deal when London accepted the bloc’s schedule for the talks - first a discussion about the divorce and second, about future ties.
“In every negotiation, each side tries to control the timetable. The real deadline on this is, of course, December,” Davis said, referring to the next EU summit, taking place in Brussels on Dec. 14-15, when Britain hopes the bloc will launch the next phase of the talks.  (Reuters)