Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

May Meets EU Business Leaders as Brexit Tensions Grow

May Meets EU Business Leaders  as Brexit Tensions Grow

LONDON - Prime Minister Theresa May will meet EU business leaders worried about Britain’s departure on Monday as a secret letter emerged from two cabinet ministers instructing her how to run Brexit.
The leaked memo from Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and Environment Secretary Michael Gove, two top Brexit advocates, told May to ensure other ministers back the process by “clarifying their minds”.
“We are profoundly worried that in some parts of government the current preparations are not proceeding with anything like sufficient energy,” they wrote, according to the Mail on Sunday newspaper.
The letter titled “EU Exit -- Next Steps” said failure to prepare for a no-deal outcome to Brexit negotiations “would leave us over a barrel in 2021” -- at the end of a possible transition period.
The tensions drove down the pound on currency markets, with the currency losing 1.0 percent against the euro and the dollar on Monday, falling to 89.13 pence and $1.3071 respectively, at around 0925 GMT.
The Sunday Times also reported that 40 MPs from May’s Conservative party have agreed to sign a letter of no confidence in the prime minister, just eight short of the number needed to trigger a leadership contest. (AFP)