Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Crunch Time for British PM as Brexit Talks Enter Decisive Phase

Crunch Time for British PM as Brexit Talks Enter Decisive Phase

LONDON - This month has been described by British media as “make or break” for Theresa May, the embattled British prime minster under pressure due to stalled Brexit talks and intra-party challenges.
On Friday, May is scheduled to hold private talks with Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, as the duo attend the European Social Summit in Sweden on the future of Europe’s welfare systems.
Political commentators in London say it will give May a chance to air her views on Brexit with Tusk ahead of the key European Council meeting in December, which many believe will shape the Brexit deal.
The meeting in Sweden comes towards the end of what has been one of May’s most turbulent months in the Brexit roller-coaster ride.
Just weeks ago, the headlines were of a leader facing the prospect of a challenge from around 40 MPs from her own Conservative Party.
EU negotiators called for Britain to state details of its divorce bill before any future relationship could be discussed. (Xinhua)