Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Not Worried about EU’s Moves on Defense Pact: Russian Official

Not Worried about EU’s Moves on  Defense Pact: Russian Official

BERLIN - A senior Russia’s foreign ministry official on Tuesday said he was not worried by the European Union’s move to integrate European defenses, saying the initiative was “just words” and did not appear to be aimed at Moscow.
Kirill Logvinov, head of the NATO section at the Russian foreign ministry, called at the annual Berlin Security Conference for renewed efforts to rebuild trust between European countries and Russia through dialogue and military cooperation.
He said the trans-Atlantic NATO alliance had revived Cold War tensions through an enlargement that threatened Russia’s national security.
Moscow was open to resuming dialogue and rebuilding trust, he said, and remained committed to implementing the Minsk agreements aimed at ending violence in eastern Ukraine - as long as Kiev also made good its promises under the deal.
“Just to sit down at a table would be an important step back toward building trust,” Logvinov told reporters. Asked whether Russia was concerned about an agreement by 23 EU members to cooperate on funding joint military projects and commands, he said Moscow welcomed any steps that would help unify Europe. (Reuters)