Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

EU’s Brexit Negotiators Can’t Cherry-Pick: UK Minister

EU’s Brexit Negotiators  Can’t Cherry-Pick: UK Minister

LONDON - Brexit minister David Davis said Tuesday negotiators in Brussels cannot cherry pick terms of a new trade deal with Britain.
Looking ahead to developments in 2018, Davis said his objective is that services can be traded across borders, from highly regulated sectors like financial services to modern ones such as artificial intelligence.
“Given the strength and breadth of our links, a deal which took in some areas of our economic relationship but not others would be, in the favored phrase of EU diplomats, cherry picking,” Davis wrote in the Daily Telegraph.
In terms of scope, the final deal should, amongst other things, cover goods, agriculture and services, including financial services, and be supported by continued intelligent cooperation in highly-regulated areas such as transportation, energy and data, he wrote.
But Davis admitted that negotiations between both sides will continue this year to generate the “thunder and lightning” seen in 2017. In his new year message Davis spelt out what the coming months will bring as Westminster and Brussels start talks on a new relationship between the UK and the EU.
Davis said he understood people saying that the first responsibility for proposing solutions to the conundrums presented by Brexit lie on the British side.
“But that does not mean that the process should be all one way. (Xinhua)