Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Russia Blasts European, Arab Countries for Arms Delivery in Libya

Russia Blasts European, Arab Countries for Arms Delivery in Libya

MOSCOW - Several European and Arab countries have violated the UN Security Council's arms embargo on Libya, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday.
"We believe the UN Security Council's authority has been damaged because its decisions have never been violated so roughly and openly before," Lavrov told the Rossiya-24 TV channel.

"Even Resolution 1970 adopted by consensus, which envisaged full embargo on arms trade and military services with Libya, has been violated. This is now admitted openly. The arms have been supplied from some European countries and some Arab countries, and the instructors were working on the ground. This is certain," Lavrov added.

Lavrov also mentioned the situation in Syria.

"We cannot back the draft (on Syria) being pushed by Western countries. And this is related, in particular, with the Libyan experience," Lavrov said.

The West's strategy toward Syria is not very reliable, he added.

Moscow has repeatedly stressed that the crises in Libya and Syria could only be resolved by their own peoples. (Xinhua)