Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

UK’s May to Address Party Members amid Russia Crisis

UK’s May to Address Party  Members amid Russia Crisis

LONDON - British Prime Minister Theresa May will on Saturday address members of her Conservative Party, rejuvenated by the widespread praise for her handling of the Russian spy crisis but still dogged by Brexit. May’s last major party conference speech ended in disaster as a cough, a prankster and a collapsing backdrop undermined her address -- intended to restore her authority following last year’s disastrous snap general election in which the Conservatives lost their parliamentary majority.
A pre-Christmas breakthrough with the European Union in Brexit negotiations gave her a boost, but she was again under pressure after pro-EU rebels within her centre-right party delivered her a stinging parliamentary defeat.
However, she comes into the Conservatives’ spring forum in London with renewed authority following her firm response to the poisoning of a former Russian double agent on British soil, which she blames on Moscow.
Her decision to expel 23 Russian diplomats and suspend high-level contacts received cross-party and media support, but more importantly rallied the Conservatives, heralding a ceasefire in the bitter internal row over Brexit. (AFP)