Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Exploiting Women for Prostitution a Crime against Humanity: Pope

Exploiting Women for Prostitution  a Crime against Humanity: Pope

ROME - Pope Francis branded exploitation of women for prostitution a “crime against humanity” on Monday and asked forgiveness from society for Catholic men who use prostitutes.
The pope made his frank comments in a remarkable, freewheeling question-and-answer session with young people from around the world who came to Rome to prepare for a bishops’ meeting scheduled for October at the Vatican.
Blessing Okoedion, a 32-year-old Nigerian who was once a victim of human sexual trafficking, told the pope she was troubled that many clients of prostitutes on the streets of Rome were Catholic.
“I ask myself and I ask you, is it possible for a Church that is still too male chauvinist to be able to question itself truthfully about this high demand by clients?” she said.
Francis responded that in Italy it was likely that some 90 percent of male clients of prostitutes were baptized Catholics.
“I would like to take advantage of this moment to ask forgiveness from you (exploited women) and society for all the Catholics who carry out this criminal act,” he said.
“I think of the disgust these girls must feel when men make them do these things,” he added. Prostitutes, most of them victims of human trafficking from Nigeria, other African countries and Eastern Europe, are found at night on the streets of Rome’s periphery and around parks. (Reuters)