Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

UN Chief Calls China Pillar of Multilateral System

UN Chief Calls China Pillar of  Multilateral System

UNITED NATIONS - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said here Thursday that China has been very active in global governance of all forms and a pillar of the multilateral system, ahead of his trip to China to attend the annual Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) conference.
As China has undergone great economic development, its participation in the global governance system has never been more relevant to the economy and development in a global backdrop, Guterres said. The UN welcomes China’s positive contribution as it brings the world equilibrium and harmony, he said.
A major contributor to peacekeeping operations, China is making a very strong commitment, with about 2,400 Chinese engaged in UN missions in 14 countries, Guterres said.
“We see the role of China not only in the direct contribution of peacekeepers, but also in the contribution to the discussions we will have this year on how to improve peacekeeping,” the UN chief said.
Referring to the latest developments in the Korean Peninsula issue, Guterres said China “has an absolute key role” in defusing the crisis. The presence of China can be an absolutely decisive factor for the peaceful denuclearization of the peninsula, since there is a lot of distrust between the United States and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), he said.
It is also important for the DPRK to have an open dialogue with the United States, as China has always recommended, for the denuclearization to occur in a peaceful environment, he said.
About the escalating U.S.-China trade conflict, Guterres said trade wars are always bad for those involved and for the international economy as a whole. “We need to have international cooperation,” he emphasized.
He said wherever there is a problem, there must be dialogue and serious discussion to overcome the problem. “I am a strong believer in multilateralism ... to address global problems... Global problems need to have global answers, and global answers can only be implemented through multilateral frameworks,” he said. (Xinhua)