Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Still Dissatisfied, Slovak Protesters Keep up Pressure over Corruption

Still Dissatisfied, Slovak Protesters  Keep up Pressure over Corruption

BRATISLAVA - Protests in Slovakia over the murder of a journalist have led to the prime minister’s resignation and a cabinet reshuffle. Still not satisfied, the demonstrators now want the police chief out and a crackdown on corruption.
Nearly 50,000 people marched through the capital Bratislava and other cities on Thursday in a fresh sign of anger over a cozy political system many say turns a blind eye to graft. The outcry began in February when 27-year-old Jan Kuciak was found shot dead at home with his fiancée Martina Kusnirova.
His investigative reporting had focused on graft involving politically-connected businessmen so public anger at his killing was also directed at Prime Minister Robert Fico who has led the Smer party’s government for 10 of the last 12 years.
Fico resigned in March leading to a cabinet reshuffle that left Smer in power and though the murders remain unsolved many expected the protests to subside.
Instead, they have focused on police president Tibor Gaspar, who has held his post for five years during which time there have been few big corruption prosecutions. Gaspar says there is no reason to resign. (Reuters)