Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

In Italy’s Conte, Trump Sees a Like-Minded European

In Italy’s Conte, Trump Sees a  Like-Minded European

WASHINGTON - US President Donald Trump receives Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Monday, welcoming to the White House a European populist with like-minded views on immigration and trade.
The visit will begin with a one-on-one meeting followed by more extensive bilateral discussions, the White House said.
“Italy is an important NATO Ally, a leading partner in Afghanistan and Iraq, and key in bringing stability to the Mediterranean region,” the White House said in announcing the visit last month, the new prime minister’s first.
Trump praised Conte as “great” after meeting him at the recent G7 summit in Canada, where they warmly shook hands during the family photo.
Conte is “very strong on immigration -- like I am, by the way,” said Trump, who has pursued a policy of “zero tolerance” for illegal immigration, a crackdown that led to hundreds of children being separated from parents who crossed into the United States from Mexico without papers.
Conte was chosen to lead the Italian government by the leaders of parties that won March elections: the euro skeptic Five Star Movement and the far-right League party. (AFP)