Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

EU Lost over €100bn Because of Its Own Anti-Russia Sanctions – Lavrov

EU Lost over €100bn Because of  Its Own Anti-Russia Sanctions – Lavrov

MOSCOW - The EU is punishing itself for doing Washington’s bidding and sanctioning Russia, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. However, while the restrictions policy does not harm the US, the EU suffers billions in losses.
In an interview with the Spanish newspaper El País, Lavrov lamented the dismal state of EU-Russia relations, describing them as far from normal. The divisions are being fueled from across the pond, he said.
“The mythical ‘Russian threat’ is forced upon the Europeans, primarily, from the outside,” Lavrov said. The main bone of contention between the EU and Russia –sanctions– were imposed by the European nations “on direct orders” from Washington.
With that said, the US has hardly felt any adverse effect from the policy it championed, unlike the EU.
“Estimates of losses incurred by the EU states from the sanctions vary. According to some estimates, they might amount to over €100 billion. It’s important that European politicians understand this,” the minister said.
“The mythical ‘Russian threat’ is forced upon the Europeans, primarily, from the outside,” Lavrov said. The main bone of contention between the EU and Russia –sanctions– were imposed by the European nations “on direct orders” from Washington.
With that said, the US has hardly felt any adverse effect from the policy it championed, unlike the EU.
“Estimates of losses incurred by the EU states from the sanctions vary. According to some estimates, they might amount to over €100 billion. It’s important that European politicians understand this,” the minister said. (Russia Today)