Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Pentagon Threatens Turkey with ‘Grave Consequences’ for Buying Russian S-400

Pentagon Threatens Turkey  with ‘Grave Consequences’ for Buying Russian S-400

WASHINGTON - The US has threatened Turkey with “grave consequences” unless it cancels the purchase of S-400 systems from Russia, with a Pentagon spokesman advising Ankara to seek “better solutions” and warning of “broader implications.”
“Turkey’s acquisition of the Russian S-400 air defense system will have grave consequences for the US defense relationship with Turkey,” Pentagon spokesperson Eric Pahon told Ahval news on Monday.
The US ally’s plan to buy the S-400 has been a major concern for the entire NATO alliance, with Washington claiming that its deployment alongside US-made weaponry, such as the F-35 stealth jets, undermines the alliance’s ‘interoperability’ and could reveal ‘secrets’ to Russians. Amid persistent pressure and threats of sanctions, the Trump administration last month temporarily halted the transfer of 100 F-35 jets to Turkey. Turkey for its part refused to bow to US pressure, insisting that diversifying military spending was crucial to national security. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan last week expressed his hope that Washington would change its mind. Yet the US continues its consultations with Ankara to help it find better solutions, and inform it of the broader implications of purchasing Russian S-400s, Pahon stressed. (RT)