Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

‘Blatant Extortion’: German Ex-Chancellor Lashes Out at US Threat to Withhold Intel over China

‘Blatant Extortion’: German Ex-Chancellor Lashes Out at US Threat to Withhold Intel over China

BERLIN - Washington’s threat to downgrade its intelligence-sharing with Berlin if Germany buys Chinese 5G equipment is an example of why Berlin should seek more independence in its policies, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said.
The US Ambassador to Germany reportedly threatened the hosting country this week with a number of consequences for dealing with China, including withholding US intelligence information. The move was criticized by Schroeder, who is a long-time critic of Washington’s habit of using political leverage on Germany.
“This is such blatant extortion,” the politician said on Tuesday at an event organized by the business newspaper Handelsblatt in Berlin. Washington basically said: “Since you don’t comply, we will not share with you,” he added. He argued that Germany, and Europe in general, needs relative independence from the US and its economic and foreign policies. The Europeans may have their own interests in dealing with countries like China or Russia, said Schroeder, who chairs the supervisory board of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. ...(More on P4)...(17)