Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Common Interests between China, U.S. Outweigh Differences: Chinese Diplomat

Common Interests between China, U.S.  Outweigh Differences: Chinese Diplomat

ANN ARBOR, the United States - Although great changes have taken place in the China-U.S. relationship in the past 40 years since the two countries forged diplomatic ties, the fact that the common interests between the two countries far outweigh their differences has not changed, a Chinese diplomat said here Saturday.
Addressing the opening ceremony of the two-day 2019 Michigan China Forum in Ann Arbor in the U.S. state of Michigan, Chinese Consul General in Chicago Zhao Jian said that China and the United States have different national conditions and levels of development, as well as different cultures, histories and ideologies, but “we have shared responsibility and broad common interests in maintaining regional and global peace and prosperity.”
“The China-U.S. relations are not a zero-sum game. We both stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation.”
The China-U.S. relationship is between the largest developing and developed countries, Zhao said. “It not only directly affects the welfare of our two peoples but also bears on the global peace, stability and prosperity. A sound China-U.S. relationship serves the fundamental interests of our people and meets the expectations of the wider international community.”
“The development of China-U.S. relations has brought real benefits to the people of the two countries,” Zhao stressed. “China’s ever-growing development and ever-opening market will provide new cooperation opportunities for both countries.”
“The good will and friendship between the Chinese and American people and their aspiration ...(More on P4)...(17)